Thursday, June 25, 2009

Screw In The Tire

Something really bad happened today. Can you guess? If you guessed there is a screw in our car tire you guessed right. It all started yesterday when me and my family were driving around the neighborhood and we noticed one of the tires were running out of air. When we got home we try to figure why the tire was running out of air. My dad checked all the tires and found a screw in the front right tire! Right when we found out that there was a screw in the tire we called everybody we could to see if they could fix the tire but nobody could. We decided too maybe just get a new car. So we went to a few places to look and we found a few things. Then my mom got a call that someone was sending us a tire. We were so surprised! We never knew someone was sending us a tire. We got the tire that night and when we got it my dad put it on the car and we went back inside. That was nice of the people who sent us the tire. And to make it even better it was for FREE!

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